Dante and Drift

Official Pics

Day 10

Day 11

Day 12

Day 13

Day 14

Day 15

Official Pics are from Day 15

Day 16

Day 17

I really hope that you love this little guy to death (drift) cause he is one of my favorites, he is going to be a super suck like his daddy and you are just going to get so attached...are you sure you don't just want him to stay here with me:) I am just joking but I am really am going to have a hard time saying goodbye. I hope that you are a super good mom and if you EVER don;t think that you can keep him and his bro you can DEFINITELY send them back. That is going to be my policy for all of them cause I want to make sure that none of them end up in a shelter. PLEASE if ever there is a problem call me and I will help you. Hope to talk to you soon

Day 19

Day 20

Day 21